Saturday, September 10, 2011

The new Electrical Invaders team

The Electrical Invaders has began again and the teammates are again existed to show what they have to offer to the world .This time they have. new members in E.I ,Grace ,
Abby and Luke , who is the idea giver in E. I .They have also  have special jobs. Grace the Historian and Co  Photographer , Olivia the Blogger and also the Photographer ., Dylan and Robert  as head builders ,Dylan being  Team leader , and Ezra being the Co Blogger .
.  Here are the notes from Electrical Invaders that Grace took down. (Thanks for a job well done, Grace.)   Here are the categories and experts
BatsDomeWater treatmentBugs
Va Living museumbiodome researcherswater treatment plant in NNentomologist
Zoo (perhaps Norfolk)Farmersfarmersexterminators
animal laboratory facilitybotanists

NN park - (Ezra will contact them.)architects


They are so happy to have new teammates and new tacks for E. I.


Brandy said...

Well, according to the ranger station and the discovery Center, NN Park does not have a resident bat expert. But my sister-in-law's husband has a cousin who is a park ranger so we're trying to contact her. We've also contact a worker at VIMS to see if we can't schedule a trip to understand the water shed more. We'll keep you guys posted.
(Thanks for the great updates, Olivia.)

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